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1999 Ford F-150

1999 Ford F-150 WORK SERIES

$ 1,100 00

1633 views Condition: Used
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State: California
City: Acampo
Address: 147 Marietta St
Zip code: 95220
Make: Ford
Model: F150
Body type: Pickup / Truck
Year: 1999
Mileage: 178987
Interior color: gray
Exterior color: blue
Transmission: Automatic
Engine: V6, 4.2L (256 CID); OHV
Trim Level: XL; XLT; Lariat; Work Series
Body Type: 4 Door Cab; Super Cab; Styleside
Manufacturer: Ford Motor Company
Production Seq. Number: B08437
Fuel Type: Gasoline
Engine Code: 2
Drive Line Type: RWD
Vehicle Type: Pickup Truck
Vehicle Class: Full-size Pickup
Brake System: Hydraulic
Restraint System: Air Bag-2nd Generation
Assy. Plant: Norfolk, VA
GVWR Class: Class D: 5,001-6,000 lb
Tonnage: 1/2
MPG: A4:13-16-15/M5:13-17-15/A4:14-18-16/M5:15-20-17
AAIA: 12019/12090/12106
AAIA_LEGACY: 1354575
AAIA_VehicleID: 12019/12019/12019/12019/12019/12019/12019/12019/12019/12019/12019/12019/12019/12019/12019/12019/1201
AAIA_EngineConfigID: 3505/3505/3505/3505/3505/3505/3505/3505/3505/3505/3505/3505/3505/3505/3505/3505/3505/3505/3505/3505/
AAIA_TransmissionID: 1143/1143/848/848/851/851/1143/1143/848/848/851/851/1143/1143/848/848/851/851/1143/1143/848/848/851/
AAIA_BodyStyleConfigID: 31/31/31/31/31/31/31/31/31/31/31/31/31/31/31/31/31/31/31/31/31/31/31/31/77/77/77/77/77/77/77/77/77/7
AAIA_BrakeConfigID: 11/11/11/11/11/11/11/11/11/11/11/11/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/11/11/11/11/11/11/11/11/11/11/11/11/6/6/
AAIA_DriveTypeID: 7/7/7/7/7/7/8/8/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/7/7/7/8/8/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/7/7/7/8/8/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/7/7/7/8/8/8/8/8/8/7/7/
AAIA_SpringTypeConfigID: 8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/8/9/

It is a great car, it runs and drives perfectly, just the way you wish. If you know how a good car must look like, then you know that this one is a real masterpiece.

Ford's options:

  • Airbags
  • Antilock Brakes
  • Cruise Control
  • Power Brakes
  • Power Seats
  • Power Steering
  • Tilt/Telescope Wheel
  • Tinted Glass
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